how long歌词翻译_how long歌词
2023-07-04 11:49:55 来源:互联网
1、《How Long》歌词Every time I see you and I look into your eyesThere’ a feeling that I getAnd it’s way down deep inside, girlI’ve been trying to hold on, but you say that you’re not sureI just hope you realize what my heart is going throughHow long。
2、 must this feeling go onHow long, must I stand the pain andHow long, must this feeling go onWaiting for the nightWaiting for the right time to comeI know all about the hurt and and the problems in the pastI know why you scared of love。
3、’Cause you think it just wont last longWell, I’m here to tell you what I’m saying is all trueThere ain’t nobody else in lifeThat can take the place of youHow long, mut this feeling go onHow long。
4、 must I stand the pain andHow long, must thisfeeling go onwaiting for the nightWaiting for the right time to runWhy can’t we just run away, and oh runA place were we can be alone and nobody finds us。
5、 runCan we both just run away, and oh runGirl I can’t wait to have youHow long, must this feeling go onHow long。
6、 must I stand the pain andHow long, must this feeling go onWaiting for the nightWaiting for the right time to come, to come。
- how long歌词翻译_how long歌词
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